Understanding a how a website user can navigate your site is of
the upmost importance, and one of the best ways to do that is to
study how other sites handle their interfaces. In this case study,
I examined how Community Transite of Snohomish and King County
present their upcoming transit lines.
Check out the detailed explanation below, see the app
or see the
Github Repo
Create a blog to highlight various design triumphs and failures for Internet Users in relation to Internet Best Practices.
Starting from a bootstrap template, I created a blog to present what I was learning about User Science and Design all in one place.
Since the template handled most of the "heavy lifting" I was able to focus more on how my site was looking to the Internet User rather than worring about how to get things onto the page.
Once I had a loose pattern in place, new posts were easily enough to stucture by copying and restructuring a template that I had made for myself.
At the onset of this project, I expected the content work to be much easier since it didn't involve much coding. I couldn't have been more wrong. After a short stint in blogging, I have so much respect for the content producers with years of content on their blogs. It takes a lot to execute ideas and make them look good. It was very exciting to see something that I had made appear online for anyone to see.
A fun little blog about User Science and Design.